The career in SAP HANA enriching and would go a long way. SAP HANA training has become the fastest growing software product in the world. There are endless opportunities and depending on your background you might want to take a different path to success. Having SAP HANA certification will increase your chance of getting hired.
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Business cases where SAP HANA proved its efficiency
The first of the HANA deployments were the business cases that required real time analytics. For example DataMart and Data Warehouses (see data warehousing training for more details). Because the benefits are there right out the box. Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) like SAP BW (learn from SAP BW training) can run very fast with a simple database swap.
With the transactional application like Finance or Supply Chain, most things run a little better from a simple database swap. The real benefits come when logic from the applications are optimized and pushed down to the database level, from simplification of the apps (SAP is building a simplified version of their Business Suite), or from ancillary benefits like real-time operational reporting, real-time supply chain management or real-time offer management.
Most importantly, unlike the other database systems in the market, HANA supports all applications on the same instance of data, at the same time. Now, you can get rid of traditional copying, transforming and re-organizing data all over the enterprise to meet the needs of different applications. HANA perfectly serves the needs of all applications with one “system of record” instance.
What SAP applications run on SAP HANA?
All the major applications run on SAP HANA platform. They include the SAP Business Suite (ERP, CRM, PLM, and SCM) and the SAP BW Data Warehouse. Learn IT is the resource where you can knowledge of SAP ERP modules from training like SAP CRM training and SAP SCM training.
The SAP HANA platform is designed to support the BI Suite which includes Business Objects (see SAP BO course overview to know what it supports) Enterprise, Data Services, and SAP Lumira.
SAP HANA powers a complete set of applications such as SAP Accelerated Trade Promotion Planning, SAP Collection Insight, SAP Convergent Pricing Simulation, SAP Customer Engagement Intelligence, SAP Demand Signal Management, SAP Assurance and Compliance Software, SAP Liquidity Risk Management, SAP Operational Process Intelligence and SAP Tax Declaration Framework for Brazil.
An organization should strongly consider implementing SAP HANA if:
- There are few reports or analytic applications that are currently running very slowly and not getting the optimal business benefits.
- They are constantly facing unacceptable downtimes where your data warehouse is not available due to the need to load data.
- They are in need to see current till the moment data.
- There is a frequent need to create new reports or analytical applications.
Even if organizations do not see a requirement for SAP HANA at this moment, they could still benefit from it, with a very thought of using it in the near future If they just go to their sales representatives of Oracle, or IBM, or Microsoft, and tell them that they are in the endeavor of migrating to HANA in the near future, they will be offered with a competitive price on licenses and also free maintenance of your current database. With this trend, it seems like soon most of the organizations will migrate to SAP HANA in the near future.
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