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Learning SAP HANA | SAP HANA Trends |SAP HANA Training

LEARN IT TRAINING is a comprehensive repository for online and offline courses offering high quality state-of-the-art IT and Business related e-learning trainings and courses. Our SAP HANA training course help you learn critical skills. Our strength lies in grooming candidates ready for industry expectations with practically applied experience in handling real business challenges with industry standard mentors.

SAP HANA Adoption Trends

How SAP HANA enhances productivity in the organization and offers significant cost savings in both maintenance and development.

It is a known fact that when data is available at the right time and form, highly efficient business decisions can be made than would otherwise be possible. Vendors now provide a wide range of enterprise solutions towards the extraction of useful information from a large selection of data sources. SAP HANA is an excellent RDBMS with massive potential expected in the processing of large volumes of data in server memory by rummaging through the database capabilities, application platform execution, and data-processing. SAP HANA has been widely hailed as the next big breakthrough in enterprise IT.

HANA is a High-Performance Analytic Appliance which is also an in-memory platform to process high volumes of transactional and operational data in real-time. Learn database concepts from SAP HANA training. Simply put, HANA is a memory database which supports SQL standards coupled with Multi-Dimensional Expressions (MDX). Learn SQL concepts for the better understanding of HANA platform from SQL Server training.

SAP HANA also has a programming element which aids the organization’s IT unit to generate custom applications atop HANA database. The platform also offers a suite for integration of various data sources and to execute different types of analytics such as predictive, spatial, text, and a whole lot more. The appliance can run in parallel with SAP ERP software where Analysts can tap into real-time transactional data as against waiting to run daily or weekly reports. Learn what’s new with SAP and its implementations from SAP training offered by Learn IT.

Learn IT offers both SAP Technical training courses and SAP functional training courses like,

Some of the major business drivers for SAP HANA adoption are explored, from a business perspective:

1. Analytics, dashboards and operational reporting

Organizations look for in-depth information, and the efficacy of information is enhanced greatly when available in real-time. HANA provides for data to be displayed dynamically without aggregation and can be visualized in various dimensions for decision making and the verification of various business processes. Analytics can be executed utilizing real-time data or even archival, historical data with predictive libraries that are prebuilt.

2. Data warehousing and data marts

This aspect allows for the streamlining of data in centralized store or in business departments for highly efficient management. SAP HANA provides predictive analytics to recognize trends and arrive upon more efficient enterprise strategies. Data warehousing applications can be learned from data warehousing training. It can speed up with on-the-fly aggregations and coupled analysis. Analytics can be executed utilizing varying forms of data and alongside with streaming data.

3.Support for Big data

SAP HANA can obtain and process petabytes worth of data volumes from a wide collection of sources containing various data formats. Big Data Analytics is sought by organizations to refine business insights and target customers with customized product and service offerings. HANA suite also provides Big Data development and analytics tools.

4.Operational intelligence in real time

SAP HANA supports real-time organizational operational intelligence through which insights can be obtained progressively.

5.Automation and simulations, decision making

The Advanced Analytics feature in HANA can be used to transform business insights into executable actions. Decision support is provided by in-memory algorithms in SAP HANA which is able to simulate business scenarios and forecast future outcomes, risks. And this is all done utilizing real-time and historical data.

Benefits from SAP HANA

The most notable business benefits derived from SAP HANA adoption include:-

Accelerated forecasting and business strategy development.

Business performance is understood better with the ability to monitor the same in real time

Enhanced marketing campaigns through the elaborate use of data analytics

Execution of accurate business decisions

SAP HANA improves productivity in the enterprise to a great extent and provides significant cost savings in both maintenance and development.  SAP HANA is has proven to benefit organizations in both business and technology.

SAP HANA has growing opportunities as it is ever changing and increasing needs of organizations in the current market scenario. 

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